Maison Consulting & Solutions, your ERP/CRM Partners

Saturday, September 19, 2009

An Update from AX Decisions 2009

AX Decisions 2009


With AX Decisions 2009 just a month away on Wednesday October 14th, we'd like to share some of the developments that are getting us so excited about this virtual conference and trade show.

Where to start? How about the tremendous variety of timely and strategic sessions that will inform, educate, and hopefully motivate you to improve the quality and value of your AX investment. Leading off is Ray Wang's Keynote on maximizing your Dynamics ERP investment in tough economic times, and Jeff Onesto and Cindy Jutras's talk on the rise of the Dynamics AX "Value Engineer". And for anyone interested in lean manufacturing, we're fortunate to have one of the true thought leaders on lean manufacturing for AX, Dr. Scott Hamilton.

And we can't say enough about the support and participation of Microsoft leaders including Crispin Read and Kees Hertogh. They'll share the latest views on maximizing value with AX, as well as looking to the future of the product. The goal of this conference from the start was to bring the most timely analysis and strategy of the times in which we live, and we think our speakers live up to that goal. Even better, all the general sessions will be taking questions live. When is the next time you'll have direct access to so many leading Dynamics thinkers from both inside and outside of Microsoft?

There's also the opportunity to talk to representatives from leading vendors for AX add-on solutions in the expo hall. Their sponsorships are what makes this event free to the attendees. And if you consider that these vendors probably have some of the deepest knowledge in their respective competencies, it's worth attending just to get a chance to meet them without the hassle and expense of a physical show.

And don't forget about the great opportunities to connect with your fellow attendees - people who are as interested, informed, and passionate as you about Dynamics AX. Chat about sessions, vendors, and any other AX topics that are your mind.  The virtual conference experience is more than presentations and sponsors, it's about connections with people who share your interests.  If you haven't had a chance, take 3 minutes to view a demo of the virtual environment.

We'll check in again with more thoughts and updates before the live event.  We hope you are anticipating the event as much as we are.  See you there!

Best Regards,
The AX Decisions Team

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