Maison Consulting & Solutions, your ERP/CRM Partners

Friday, June 27, 2008


Dear All,


Although most of you already know Mr. Khalid Adaya by now; however, let me reintroduce you to him as everyone will directly or indirectly be in contact with him.


Mr. Khalid has joined us as a Finance Manager. The major areas where people may be contacting him or vice versa are the follows


·         Follow up on customer payments

·         Invoicing issues to the customer

·         Handling reimbursements and billing as per company policy.


You are requested to assist Mr. Khalid for the above mentioned information in all possible manner. 


We once again welcome you, Mr. Khalid and hope that you have found the environment and people friendly and cooperative to work with. 





Your ERP/CRM Partner

Microsoft Certified Gold Partners

Microsoft Certified Business Solutions Partner 


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